unit process

英 [ˈjuːnɪt ˈprəʊses] 美 [ˈjuːnɪt ˈprɑːses]

网络  单元过程; 单元程序; 化工单元过程; 单元操作; 单位过程



  1. In turn, the worldwide business leaders must work with country business unit process leaders who take responsibility for ensuring the process is properly implemented in each country.
  2. Test coverage tools are generally easy to add into an established unit testing process, and the results can be reassuring.
  3. WindowTester gives developers the ability to easily generate GUI tests that can easily be integrated into the unit testing process.
  4. Atmospheric and vacuum distillation unit furnace process control analysis and transformation of instability
  5. Fully understands and predominates operation procedure, EHS regulations and quality control procedure with respect to defined operation jobs of unit in process.
  6. The system was made with the near real-time satellite data receive system, satellite data storage unit, process system and product output& transmit system.
  7. In this paper, we present a comprehensive description of the key unit process of the technology of OPC drum production: the theory and application of OPC drum coating and drying technique.
  8. Energy consumption optimization of the fractionation column of coking unit via process simulation technology fractionation of a liquid by distillation.
  9. The Integrated Teaching of the Rectification Unit of the Chemical Unit Process and Its Operation: Reform and Practice
  10. Tax law and accounting method set out from two angle, can appear in actual unit process of cargo bandling so difference.
  11. The experimental unit for process control is equipped with an inter-unit connection pipe;
  12. Mathematic Model on Cutting Parameter Optimization for Unit Cutting Process
  13. The results of unit process are used as the constraints of crude oil mixing and oil blending.
  14. Several parts of the signal processing unit process this amplified signal to linear isolated 4~ 20! mA output that is reliable and available for molten steel level control.
  15. This article embarked from the scope management basic content and unit process, summarizes the common question and solution on Computer information integration Project Management.
  16. The market demand and unit process control of precipitated barium sulfate
  17. The expressions of unit process energy consumption, energy consumption of product and energy consumption per ton of crude steel are proposed.
  18. In this paper, the arsenic removal unit process in ethylene plant was introduced and the causes which can't continuous run in long period were analysed.
  19. In this paper, according to the problem of C_3 recovery rate is not high in a NGL recovery plant with turbo-expander, the main unit process models were built up, and the process simulation calculation is taken.
  20. The present study and application situation of domestic landfill leachate treatment is discussed in this paper. The advances of unit process and composite process is introduced and some actual applications in domestic landfill is recommended to give some advices to environmental protection personnel.
  21. This article briefly describes PDS desulfation process allocation requirements among coal gas pruification process in taking ammonia as alkali source. And further research and exploration has respectively been done on after desulfation process, before desulfation process and desulfation unit process allocation.
  22. Each process is regarded as an input-process-output unit process, and can be described with process IPO model.
  23. Disinfection is a very important unit process in water treatment, but the ordinary disinfectant chlorine will produce disinfection by-products which have potential carcinogenic effects.
  24. Exploited the calculating software of the light hydrocarbon recovery process units, NGpro/ 1.0, and elucidated the software based on the simulation of unit process.
  25. The load forecast is extremely important to the electrical power system plan and the movement, this article elaborated the power load to forecast and to classify, the load forecast unit process.
  26. This paper introduces the commercial website data mining basic principle and the method. Union data warehouse studies, details account on the multi-dimensional data model, connection rule mining algorithm, commercial website data mining unit process, as well as online analytical processing.
  27. At the tactical level, rigorous models are utilized to simulate and optimize unit processes, and provide more fitful unit process models for the strategic level.
  28. Deposition features suggest that it is actually a result of iteration and accumulation of some elementary unit process, which is associated with the intermittent surges of debris flows.
  29. Traditional studies on production planning of continuous process industries use MILP or MINLP formulations based on simplified unit process models which lead to the gap between planning results and production practices.
  30. The system optimization model is built by methods of unit process simulation, process system simulation and system optimization.